We were all set to go the December Planning Committee, when I got a call from the Planning Department to say we didn't need to go! We'd be due to speak alongside the Parish Council and our Borough Councillor however Cartwrights had belatedly asked HBBC to withdraw the item from the committee agenda. This was agreed by HBBC Planning Dept and they have had a deferred determination agreed. As part of this the Planning department said that the owners should engage with us to progress our discussions.
The owners have met with the planners about their ideas for an amended proposal for the application. They have agree to meet with us, along with the HBBC planning department. This meeting will identify the broad principles of the negotiations to progress the discussions we have had regarding the sale of the area we have been offered. That will allow us to save the pub and provide a much needed community hub. At long last we seem to be making some significant progress!
We have continued to work with the Parish Council to plan the purchase. When you buy shares in the Higham CBS you will be shareholders in the project, helping to finance the refurbishment and development of services. The CBS is getting ready to do the share offer – we can also apply for matched funding based on the shares we have. If you want to pledge shares, you can do so on this website.
Don’t forget if you shop online you can help top up our funds using the EasyFundraising app. Click on the image to find out more.